Mesivta of West Bloomfield Mesivta of West Bloomfield
Time Remaining: 0h 0m 0s
Bonus Round!
$292,747of $310,000 bonus goal
Original goal: $250,000
Ambassador Name
$ 0 of $ 0 raised raised
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Mark Ungar


In honor of my friend Zvi Katz.
Donation through Shummy Katz and parents Mr. Zvi & Mrs. Chaya


Mazel tov Dovid on your graduation!May you continue to bring much nachas to your parents and family!Love Uncle Yitzchak, Tante Fayge, Yehdis, Michoel and Adina Leah
Donation through Dovid Perecman & parents R' Moshe and Mrs. Suri
David Kramsky


Yoel Kramsky


Yasher Koach to the entire Mesivta for a very productive year of lomdus !!Yoel & Malkah Kramsky
Marina Kaplan


Dear Yaakov Moshe,Mazel Tov on this milestone! We are so proud of all of your Torah learning and exceptional middos. You have become a true mentsch and give us so much nachas!Love,Your Family
Donation through Marina Kaplan & her son Yaakov Moshe
Jeffrey Appel


Donation through Mr. Mickey Eizelman


Donation through Yaakov Baron & parents Mr Eliyahu & Mrs Stacey


Donation through Rabbi Yosef and Mrs. Nechama Weingarden


Robert Kelman




Donation through Rabbi Yosef Bromberg
Mila Turkin


Donation through Gedalia Leytus & parents Mr. Aleksandr & Mrs. Kira
Sheila Barden


Donation through Dr. Yitzchok and Mrs. Zehavah Turner
Gedalia Maza


Wouldn’t be the same with out you
Donation through Roy & Sheila Stein
Simcha Knoll


Efraim Rosen


Meir Simcha, May you continue to grow in Torah and midos tovos.  With love, your friends Efraim and Rachel Leah Rosen
Donation through R' Aron Blatt & his son Meir Simcha
Ariel & Pessi Sadwin


Hatzlocho raboh!
Donation through R' Pinchus & Mrs. Esther Neuberger
Marina Korneev


Donation through Gedalia Leytus & parents Mr. Aleksandr & Mrs. Kira
Deena Nakdimen


Ethel Nussbaum


lisa Beitler


Donation through Yaakov Weitz and Parents R' Zecharya & Mrs. Leah
Lisa Cohen


May you continue to grow in Torah values and learning in the best of health
Donation through Ezra Forta & parents Mr Benny & Mrs Marcy
Aviva Lipins


Donation through Ari Halpern and parents Mr. Shmuely and Mrs. Dina
Benyamin Weinschneider


Gennadiy Shumulinskiy


Donation through Yitzchok Israilov & parents Mr. Gidon & Mrs. Irene
Sruly and Miriam Greenwald


Robin Shaw


Go Team Shyken!
Donation through Shmuel Shyken & parents Mr Gary & Mrs Liat
Rachelle Shawel


Donation through Ari Halpern and parents Mr. Shmuely and Mrs. Dina
Nikki Belkin


Lots of hatzlacha with all the beautiful work that you do
Howard Jacobson


Donation through Shlomo Mayerfeld & parents R' Eli & Mrs Debbie
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    $0of $0 raised
    0 Donors

Thanks to our matching donors.

Michael and Shelley Eizelman
David and Susan Feber
Rabbi E.B. (Bunny) and Shaindy Freedman
Shmuely and Dina Halpern
Andrew Jacob and Thin Blue Line
Dr. Daniel and Adina Lebovic
Dr. Steve Rubin
Dr. David and Rochel Weingarden
Sheldon Yellen
Yossi and Shevi Zigdon

You are part of the Mesivta of West Bloomfield family. Today, we ask you to step up and become a pillar of it.

You have seen how Mesivta students - your sons, neighbors, nephews, and friends - transform as they grow in our yeshiva, blossoming into bnei Torah. You have watched their excitement as the Torah comes alive.

That’s why we’re turning to you today to donate to the Mesivta of West Bloomfield. Your donation is an investment in the next generation of well-rounded bochurim.

When you give, you ensure that all bochurim have access to this life-changing yeshiva, regardless of financial background.

When you give, you ensure that each talmid experiences the same care, commitment, and devotion needed for his success.

Donate to celebrate the siyum that the boys will make at the end of this campaign.

Donate in honor of our seniors who are going on to prestigious yeshivas and who will undoubtedly become leaders of their communities.

Donate to give next year's students the resources they need to soar.

You see, what you may not realize is just how much this amazing makom Torah relies on the generosity of people like you. People who want a yeshiva to be a warm, welcoming environment where each student receives individualized attention. People who want tomorrow’s leaders to be lamdanim with sterling mentschlichkeit.

Our talmidim depend on YOUR generosity.

When you give, you grab a share of the zechus of every tosafos learned … every shakla v’tarya explained … every chiddush that our talmidim discover!

This cause is so important that a group of generous donors has challenged us to raise $250,000 in just 30 hours. To help with that goal, they have agreed to DOUBLE every dollar you donate to this campaign by June 20th!

That's TWICE the impact in growing the Mesivta of West Bloomfield.

Your gift is an investment in each and every bochur who walks through our doors. It is an investment in the very best of Klal Yisrael.

We invite all donors to this campaign to our 13th Annual Siyum and Graduation Celebration on June 25th!

Please open your heart and donate today. We don't have a moment to lose.

Tell your story. Why did you donate to Mesivta of West Bloomfield?