Ulpnat Ofra Ulpnat Ofra
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$440,675of $469,200 bonus goal
Original goal: $414,000
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Ofra Ulpanah in Binyamin, established three decades ago, serves as a high school for girls and young women who are seeking an education based on values of love and mutual respect.
The Ulpanah, which serves students from different geographical and social backgrounds, provides a warm family atmosphere and a strong sense of community. Over the years, as a natural process, students with special needs (Down syndrome and mild disabilities) have joined the student body and become an integral part of the Ulpanah’s academic and social life.
An essential component of the Ulpanah is its dormitories and shared after-school activities.  For many years, the students lived in temporary buildings that were not accessible to students with disabilities. The time has come to promote the inclusion of Ulpanah students with special needs in all aspects of Ulpanah activities.  The Ofra Ulpanah has always promoted inclusion and instilled in its students the importance of full integration of individuals with disabilities on society.  Moreover kindness (chesed) and generosity are an inseparable part of daily life at the school.
Therefore, Ofra Ulpanah is launching a crowdfunding campaign so it can finish the building of the first inclusive and accessible dormitory in Israel. This dormitory will allow parents of female students with special needs to send their children to a school that will promote their independence.
Help us create an inclusive and empowering community.
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