Yaacov Herzog Center Yaacov Herzog Center
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For the past fifteen years, Mechinat Tzahali has been part of a social change in the Religious Zionist world as more young religious women are deciding to serve in the Israeli army.

During their year at Tzahali, these young women engage in in-depth Torah study, enrich their spiritual world, and strengthen their religious identity.  They live in a group setting, develop leadership skills, gain greater familiarity with Israeli society, and prepare rigorously for meaningful service in the Israel Defense Forces.

Our participants come from a variety of socio-economic backgrounds, both from larger cities and the periphery.  Tzahali is constantly growing.  In order to meet this need, we opened Midreshet Roni in 2017 and the Mechina now operates in two groups – Hallel and Tzohar.

Next year we will have almost 120 participants in the three groups.

However, there are still many more candidates that wish to attend than we are able to accept – which is why we need to open a fourth group in Tzahali!

We ask you to partner with us so we can continue to grow and develop in order to reach new populations, create new programs, and do our part to improve Israel.

With your help, our vision of "Tzahali moving forward" will become a reality.

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