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As we all know, this past year we have suffered, and continue to suffer, a worldwide crisis the likes of which has never before been seen in the entire history of mankind!

And, as time goes by, we become more and more aware of the tremendous social and economic impact and the huge job crisis that Covid-19 has caused, in addition to the enormous number of lives it has claimed...

The lifestyle we ​​were used to until not so long ago has completely changed and we’ve all had to get used to a new and sad reality. However, this already difficult challenge has become a real torture for needy families who even before the crisis barely managed to cope with their daily basic needs.

So many people have lost their jobs; so many businesses have gone bankrupt; so many respectable people who had previously earned their living honestly have found themselves in such dire straits that they barely manage to provide for their children.

For these poor families, on the days preceding Pesach, the already difficult situation has become an insurmountable challenge, as everything seems to indicate that the distress and the anguish that they suffered this past year will continue to accompany them also during the upcoming holidays, the days of Pesach, during which they expected to have at least a respite from the hardship they have been suffering.

For this reason, this year, more than ever, each one of us has a moral and ethical duty to reach out and offer our help, to the best of our ability, so that no boy is left hungry this Passover and no girl is left without a new pair of shoes, and no family is left without the possibility of celebrating this holiday with joy together with their loved ones!

We urgently need your help and support.

Together, we can ensure that several hundred of beloved and respected families, who follow the path of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, can continue to raise their children in the Land of Israel and serve Hashem with joy, on Pesach as well as during the rest of the year.

And as a token of gratitude and appreciation for your generous help, these same Breslover Chassidim who receive your help will pray on your behalf, for good health, for blessing, for protection and for success in all your endeavors. (When making the donation, please write the list of names of the people on behalf of whom you want these prayers to be recited).

Make your donation right now by clicking on the "donate" button or by calling any of these numbers:
+1 (845) 826-5323
+1 (516) 234-6559

And in merit of this immense mitzvah of tzedakah (charity), may Hashem protect you and your family from all evil and may He bless you with good health, with an ample livelihood, and may we all celebrate Pesach with much joy and spiritual elevation. Amen!

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