Halelu Dance School Halelu Dance School
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Right here, at this very moment, you can change a woman's life. You can give her the gift of confidence. The gift of self-expression. The gift of community.

Right here, at this very moment, you can unlock the limitless potential she has inside.

Donate to the Halelu Dance School today and help purchase a brand new home for this transformative dance center.

You see, every week, 600 women - children and adults - come to Halelu to dance in the harmony and spirit of Judaism. As one dancer put it, attending Halelu “is like breathing fresh air straight into my soul.”

But we have outgrown our dilapidated space. And now, we have the unique opportunity to purchase a state-of-the-art studio. 

That's where you come inׁׂ. 

Your gift will go directly toward building a haven where women connect to their bodies, to their souls, and to their Judaism in a profound way. Their lives will be transformed forever… all because of you. 

This isn’t just about a new piece of property. This is about building an unbreakable community of strong women. When you donate, you cater to a demographic that doesn't always have opportunities to experience the performing arts. You empower individuals to express themselves through dance.

Think about it:

Because of you, a 2nd-grader who experiences social anxiety, will learn ballet. She will feel the confidence of mastering the plie. Her knees perfectly bent. Her weight evenly distributed across her feet. It will be a milestone she will remember for years to come.

Because of you, a young mother will become a certified jazz dance teacher. She will find a professional calling. And she will show others how they can experience the beauty of creative expression. 

Because of you, a professional Orthodox dancer will perform in front of other women. She will embody the meeting of melody, dress, and Halacha. She will serve as a role model for hundreds of young women… all thanks to your generosity. 

Your donation is an investment in each and every woman who walks through our doors. It is an investment in uplifting their souls. 

None of it is possible without you. Every donation brings us one step closer to moving into our new home and sharing the beauty of dance with more women. 

With your generosity, we will purchase this new studio for our dancers to continue their exploration.

Donate today. Your gift makes a world of difference.

Matching Donors Will Double Your Gifts
You Give
$1,000 x2 $2,000
$400 x2 $800
$100 x2 $200
$36 x2 $72
Tell your story. Why did you donate to Halelu Dance School?