Beitar is suffering from a dearth of Kollels, as opposed to the large cities where there is a nice choice of Kollels in Beitar a yungerman who gets married is not automatically set up in a Kollel, the available slots are grabbed fast and the waiting list just gets longer while meantime the yungerman idles his time, wandering the streets, ruining his whole Tora future and his shalom bayis too…
Around a year ago some top askanim in Beitar led by Rabbi Chaim Berger took matters into their hands and turned to Rabbi Korlansky founder of Keren HaKollelim who, with the help of generous donors from overseas, established a special fund to help the Kollels in Beitar. The fund helps roshei Kollel establish Kollels where the fund budgets a third of the stipend for each yungerman on condition that the Kollelmakes up the difference.
To date, already 300 yungerleit have found their place, but there are still more than 150 young men who are still out on the streets without a permanent Kollel. The distress is glaring but we can't do it alone, for that we need assistance from you
You can turn Beitar into a city of Tora, giving each yungerman a chance to attend Kollel and remain in the Tora world, it's up to you.
For every donation of 50 ILS * 10 installments the donor will automatically enter the huge lottery for a large fancy apartment in Teveria donated anonymously, and whoever donates by Chanuka will enter a bonus lottery for a fancy personal car worth 120,000 ILS
Together we'll build a Tora'dig Beitar - enter now and donate!!!