The secret to our survival is in our unity!
It was true on Purim and it’s still true today
Here is the challenge:
Step 1. Promote Jewish unity – Commit to give one mishloach manot (purim gift package) to a person that you wouldn't normally give to, perhaps someone with a different lifestyle or background
Step 2. Post a picture of yourself in the Purim spirit (with something funny on your head) holding a sign that says "I’m taking the #Purim Unity Challenge “
Step 3. Call Out and Tag three other people to accept the #PurimUnityChallenge - by adding this text to your picture "I’m taking the #PurimUnityChallenge, to give mishloach manot (purim gift package) to someone I normally would not give to and I’m challenging @-------- @---------- @-------- to do the same! Now it's your turn. Post your own pic with #purimunitychallenge, copy this entire text and tag 3 of your friends so we can spread Jewish unity #purim2016“ If you don’t accept the challenge, or if you want to further support Jewish unity donate $18 towards these organizations who work year round to unite Jews from all over the world.