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Pure and proud motives

In 2006 Rav Yehuda Rabi, שליט"א, responded to Maran Harav Shmuel Auerbach’s explicit request and established the first school in Yerushalayim for the Bnei Torah public. A year and a half later a network of nursery schools was established throughout the city. Rav Yehudah Rabi’s educational institutions are well known both for their high and meticulous level and for the excellent way in which they are run. Rav Rabi’s institutions have become a reliable and stable brand name, symbolizing the glory of institutions run על טהרת הקודש, as directed by the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbeinu Maran Harav Shmuel Auerbach, זצוק"ל.
During the course of the years, and following vigorous activity, Rav Yehuda Rabi’s name has become known in Eretz Yisrael and abroad. Philanthropists have given him their unreserved confidence. As a result, in the last year his institutions have managed to create a perfect balance between income and expenses, an unheard of achievement which points to amazing potential opportunities for development and growth.

We cannot let this wane

At this point in time everything is at stake. Rav Yehuda Rabi is still burdened with the enormous debts of establishing the network of nursery schools and Beis Yaakov schools (of which some are already running as expected, being both practically and financially independent). These debts are hindering any further plans. In no way is it possible to cover the enormous sums we are speaking of with regular fundraising activity. The only way to repay these debts is by using the shameful and desperate method of taking new loans to repay old ones. This way of solving the problem involves impossible stress. These terrible debts not only inhibit any further development, but they are affecting Rav Rabi’s daily schedule and even his personal health, threatening his ability to continue to manage the institutions. It is specifically at this time, after everything he has achieved, that the past debts are likely to topple everything. Are we going to allow Rav Yehuda Rabi to collapse, ח"ו? Is this the response he deserves after everything he has invested for the sake of the tzibbur, for dedicating his private life for the klal? Under no circumstances will we let this happen!

We have to keep up the momentum

Taking the debts off Rav Yehuda Rabi’s shoulders would signify great hope for the bnei Torah public. This tzibbur is naturally growing and developing, and together with it its needs are also growing. We must keep up the momentum of action and building, development and spreading out. No one is more suitable to carry the flag in Rabbeinu’s, זי"ע, spirit than Rav Yehuda Rabi, שליט"א.
Wouldn’t it be better to invest in new donors rather than to repay loans by borrowing more? Wouldn’t it be better to think of how many new enterprises could be initiated, how many new schools established? We are the ones who can answer this — all of us, at this fundraising drive, so essential for the future of the tzibbur as a whole, and for the future of the path we have chosen, and for our children. By donating now we are saving lives, showing gratitude, and expressing hope.
We must keep up the momentum…