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The Panim Meirot community was founded 14 years ago in the Har Homa neighborhood in Jerusalem. The neighborhood has grown quickly, and many local communities, including Panim Meirot – today the spiritual home of over 100 families, have had to use kindergartens, lobbies, and indoor parking garages as makeshift synagogues. 

Since its formation, the community has organized daily prayer services and shiurim (lessons), while also taking an active role in helping the less fortunate in the community. We welcome every person – member or guest – with the same warmth.

In our first four years, daily prayers took place in the lobby of a residential building. Since 2009, the “synagogue” has been operating out of a kindergarten, while longing for a permanent gathering place. Our current location is unfortunately too small to accommodate all of our members comfortably, but there exists no other location in Har Homa for us to inhabit.

A few years ago, Panim Meirot was allocated land by the government and began the first stage of building a synagogue. Work stalled after the digging stage; fundraising has continued internally, but we are now turning the effort to the Jewish community at large to honor Amos Saar z”l.

Two months ago, Amos was murdered in his house, leaving behind his wife and four sons. With his bereaved family leading the way, we have all joined together to work to achieve his dream of having a permanent home for our community. Together we have decided the synagogue will be named Tefilat Amos (Amos’s Prayer) in his memory. In naming the synagogue after him, the community would like to forever acknowledge his immense efforts and good deeds over the past 14 years, while also looking forward and continuing on this path for our community. 

We plan to build a synagogue and spiritual center that would spread light to our neighborhood – a place that welcomes all and holds prayers, shiurim and charity projects regularly. These activities already exist but we intend to offer them on a larger scale.

The amount needed to complete the building is large, and we need everyone’s help!

Please partner with us on this journey to build a home for Torah and Tefilah, to forever commemorate a righteous man, and to give our community a permanent home.

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