Bais Yaakov of Boston Bais Yaakov of Boston
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You are reading this because you know that a Jewish education is an investment that pays off over lifetimes.

You know that a well-resourced school can turn a passive adolescence into an inspired Jewish future. Now, more than ever, we must do everything we can to give tomorrow’s Jewish leaders the tools to flourish.

That's why your gift to Bais Yaakov of Boston is so important. Your donation today will yield dividends well into the future. Simply put: there is no better way to ensure a strong Jewish future than by donating in celebration of our 25th year.

Great chinuch (Jewish education) doesn't happen on its own.

Participating in events like the recent Siyum HaShas… Field trips to Harvard… Integrating technology into the classroom…Guest lecturers from world renowned  Torah personalities... Visits from accomplished professional women… It takes a lot to create an environment fully focused on students' spiritual and academic growth.

Here, donor generosity makes a huge difference. This pillar of the Boston community runs on YOUR support.

When you donate to Bais Yaakov, you unleash another student's infinite potential. You gain a share of the zechus (merit) every time she learns something new.

Picture it: A young girl will develop a love of Torah, chesed (acts of kindness), and tefillah (prayer). She will embark on an intellectual adventure that introduces her to high-level concepts in science and math, history and literature. She will sit in a classroom with her best friends and with top teachers… all because of you.

In honor of our 25th year, a group of donors has challenged us to raise $250,000 in 30 hours. As an extra incentive, they have agreed to TRIPLE each dollar you donate to this campaign by January 23rd.

This unbelievable offer will transform the lives of students (and their families!) all over Boston. Show that you believe in these young women. Make a difference today! Be part of a school where students are passionate about their progress, where girls are prepared for the bright future that lies ahead.

Invest in Bais Yaakov. Invest in the very best of Jewish education.

Matching Donors Will Triple Your Gifts
You Give
$1,000 x3 $3,000
$400 x3 $1,200
$100 x3 $300
$36 x3 $108
Tell your story. Why did you donate to Bais Yaakov of Boston?