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2,237,516of €2,300,000 bonus goal
Original goal: €2,200,000
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Vienna's Jewish girls desperately need your help!

The "Beth Jakov Schule" of Vienna is known in Europe and beyond for its excellent, high quality education, our students have a wonderful reputation that precedes them all over the world.

Our school is unique, it caters to the Viennese girls from all backgrounds. There are currently 200 girls enrolled in our school and the list of applicants grows every year significantly.

But our school is bursting at the seams!

After accepting so many new students the past few years, we desperately needed more classrooms, and additional space for playing and eating. After much effort and amazing Hashgacha Pratis, we were able to buy the building next door to our school. (For those who know the housing situation in Vienna's second district this is almost unheard of...)

But purchasing the building and the necessary renovations to bring this project to fruition require millions.

With your generous donation you will support Vienna's future. You will ensure that our thousand-year religious history will continue to grow and prosper.