If you would have seen the look on Shira’s face as she finished her art project, you’d understand the special magic of Camp Shutaf.
You’d understand that the joy and confidence Shira finds and develops at Camp Shutaf fuels her success throughout the school year, long after summer’s end.
You’d understand that for children with disabilities, Shutaf isn’t just a place to spend a summer. It’s a place to make friends - a social lifeline. A place where they can truly be themselves.For children and teens with disabilities, Shutaf is a community. It’s their community.
And with your help, that community can grow. You can send more children with disabilities to Shutaf, allowing them to experience the magic of the only ONLY inclusive, 3-week, day camp in Israel for children with disabilities.
Because of you, Tal, an 11-year-old with behavior and emotional challenges, will dance with joy alongside her new friends.
Because of you, Nir, a 14-year-old without disabilities, will learn about diversity and difference, as a member of Shutaf’s accepting and inclusive community.
Because of you, more campers will be able to attend Shutaf.
Camp Shutaf changes lives.
Your donation will go directly to expanding Camp Shutaf to 135 campers this summer. Shutaf is the ONLY inclusive, day camp in Israel offering 3 full weeks of fun in August. Without Shutaf, kids like Shira and Tal will have a long and lonely summer.
Donate Now and Double your Dollars!
Thanks to some special Shutaf friends, your donation will be doubled if we hit our goal of $18,750! Your giving impact is doubled during this crowdfunder. That means TWICE the impact in creating a caring, diverse, and inclusive community. TWICE the impact in changing children's’ lives.
But it won’t happen without you.
Donate now and please share this story. Share the inclusive magic of Camp Shutaf. For children, teens and young adults with disabilities who deserve the right to a fabulous summer. Thank you!
This August is the Loneliest Month Camp Shutaf Campaign is being spearheaded by a member of the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation network and has been awarded a matching grant. Schusterman is a global organization that seeks to ignite the passion and unleash the power in young people to create positive change for themselves, the Jewish community and the broader world. Learn more about the Foundation here