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Building a Beacon of Light in Kiev

The Jewish community in Eastern Kiev needs a home!

The Jewish community in Eastern Kiev is growing rapidly. More families are discovering their Judaism and reconnecting to their Jewish roots.

The community programs include school institutions for children aged one year through high school, extra-curricular activities for students and youth, Torah classes, day programs for the elderly, humanitarian aid for the elderly and needy families, a Bar and Bat Mitzvah program, and much more.

The community is in the midst of building a community center that will provide services for thousands of Jews in Kiev and will be a beacon of holiness and Judaism that will light up Eastern Kiev.

Until now, the programming has taken place at a temporary location that was not large enough for all of our programs. Having been left with no other options, the community made do with that space and used it frequently. Unfortunately, the local government has told us that we must clear out of that building, leaving thousands of Jews in the community without a community center. 

An additional urgent requirement for the community is a mikveh. The community is located in Eastern Kiev (across the river), making it necessary for many women to travel far to go to the mikveh, making it difficult for many women to keep the mitzvah of Taharat HaMishpacha (Family Purity). A mikveh in Eastern Kiev will make it possible for hundreds of Jewish families to keep the mitzvah of Taharat HaMishpacha. 

The only solution to all of this is to complete the building of the community center which will contain classrooms, a soup kitchen, a youth center, a day center for the elderly, a center for humanitarian aid, a mikveh, and guest rooms for Shabbat and holidays.

The community of Eastern Kiev is willing to do whatever it takes to make their dream of the community center become a reality!

Now is the opportune time for you to become a partner in this most important project of Jewish growth and development. 

By contributing to the campaign ‘Building a Beacon of light in Kiev’, you will have everlasting merit in Torah, prayer, kindness, and the growth of the community in Eastern Kiev.

By contributing to the campaign ‘Building a Beacon of light in Kiev’, you will merit to light up Eastern Kiev with the light of Judaism.

By contributing to the campaign ‘Building a Beacon of light in Kiev’, you will help us bring holiness and purity to the Jewish community of Eastern Kiev.