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Take part in raising the Hachnosas Orchim building by the Kever of the Bnei Yissachar of Dynov, ztk”l

And gain the zechus of hosting tens of thousands of Yidden every year

“When a guest visits a person, the person desires to fulfill the mitzvah of Hachnosas Orchim, which is greater than receiving the Shechina… the guest becomes an artifact of mitzva (i.e. the means to a mitzva) …like the esrog and aravah, which are viewed with affection and kept in gold and silver vessels, as they are artifacts of Mitzvah” (The Bnei Yissachar, “Derech Pikudecha”, Mitzva 36)

The holy site of Dynov.

Hundreds of thousands of Jews visit the holy tzion of the Bnei Yissachar to pour their souls by the tzaddik’s resting place.

They plead for themselves and their people.

They come to draw waters of salvation from the running spring nearby, which has helped heal thousands of broken hearts over many generations.

Above all, they wish to feel at home.

There, in Dynov, near the tzion, with the farbrengens and the meals, the tefillos and bakashos, they are touched by something they feel nowhere else….

The spirit of the Tzaddik.


If you are reading these lines, you have been there.

Or, at the very least you have heard about it firsthand.

You also know there is an Hachnosas Orchim facility there that does not even begin to meet the needs of the many visitors.

The Bnei Yissachar mosdos are committed to hosting the public, and yet they cannot keep up with the incredible volume of people visiting the tzion. The situation is such that many travelers and people who are there to daven must make do with the bare minimum – and even that is offered by the mosdos with a great deal of mesirus nefesh.

To put an end to this sad state of affairs, and to ensure that every guest and traveler receive adequate board and lodging, the Bnei Yissachar mosdos have decided to put up a large building – an inviting, spacious complex in which every yid will feel at home. He will be able to eat, sleep and find whatever he needs.

His soul will be revived.

Donate now to the building of a place for Klall Yisroel in Dynov and get the zechus of performing Hachnosas Orchim for tens of thousands of Yidden each year.

In the words of the Bnei Yissochor, Ob”m:

“For you - every guest is an artifact of mitzva”

Your donation can bring the Bnei Yissochor Mosdos to its goal – a Hachnosas Orchim Building.

Come and join us!

Build a place where every Yid will feel at home!

It is in your hands!


Tell your story. Why did you donate to Bnei Yissachar of Dynov?