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Rabbi Michael Beals


Dear Natalie Levy - I found your video very compelling and I wanted to do something to honor Israel's 72nd birthday, my father's first yahrzeit, and your own blessed mother and father.
Miriam Gil


Nancy Karkowsky


Stay well!


We were so sad and disappointed that our visit to see all of you was cancelled for Fellowship Church of Orlando. Here is our gift to you in place of our visit.  Love and blessings.
Devara & Alan Goodman




Kol hakavod lachem!
Nancy Ho


With love and prayers from Hong Kong!
Tommy & Allene Becker


Thanks to all involved with Rescuers Without Borders for the important work you are doing .
Steven Miller


In honor of shabbos Hagadol! The haftorah we read Malachi 3:4 - 24. Hashem challenges the Jewish people who are afraid to give charity because it will impoverish them. "Give me your tithes" Gd says
Daniel Layish


In honor of the dedication of Natalie Sopinsky 
Gerald Turnauer


Joan Levin


Rescuers Without Borders הצלה ללא גבולות 

Rescuers Without Borders is a groundbreaking Israeli organization founded by Rav Mordechai Eliahu in 2000 in response to the breakout of the first Intifada.

At that time, civilians were being injuring daily on the roads by vicious terror attacks.  Ambulances took too long to respond. We needed local help. 

Our solution was to train local people living in the area, and train them to be first response medics. And we did it. 

Since then we have worked in full coordination with the security and medical officers of Israel so that we are all in sync, there is no overlap, and injured people are never alone for long.

Today, we have over 950 volunteer medics, paramedics, and doctors, equipped with the latest medical and communication technology. Through this system, our volunteers are able to respond to every emergency imaginable. Every month, our volunteer medics respond to over 6,000 incidents where they help treat both citizens and soldiers.

Now with the Corona virus, there has been a 40% rise in emergency calls to our medics and we need protective gear for them so they can continue to function, saving lives and treating injuries. 

Our medics are all volunteers - they give their time, sacrifice their family life, and sometimes even endanger their own lives in order to save the lives of the people of Israel.

We need them!

Today we are calling on YOU, friends and family: Help protect our medics, and enable them to keep saving lives