מגן לחולה מגן לחולה
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This crisis taking place in Israel and around the world brings with it a great deal of uncertainty, unknowns, fear, and distress.

Hundreds of thousands of people have been infected, people are dying, and the numbers are only rising. The Jewish People are unsure how to react to the medical situation. Many are challenged by emotional and psychological struggles, not knowing how to manage their own fear and isolation, or how to help their children cope during this time.

In light of the many years of experience that Magen Lacholeh has in providing medical and mental health services in normal times as well as during crises, many people are seeking our advice regarding how they should act during these difficult times.

Rabbi Fisher and the staff of Magen Lacholeh are working continuously, day and night, to respond to their concerns. They are answering the many requests for help as quickly as possible, because, as we have all seen, the Coronavirus is spreading at a terrifying speed.

In light of all this, we need to step up our activities so we can help each and every one of the people seeking our help. This requires extra resources for Rabbi Fisher and Magen Lacholeh, resources we could not have anticipated that we would need. 

We need your support in this difficult hour for the Jewish People, so that we can continue to serve all those seeking our help.

We have an opportunity and responsibility to take part in this national effort. Only by enlisting a communal effort will we be able to overcome this dangerous virus.

All of us together are committed to the effort. We ask that you  donate online to Magen Lacholeh and help us stop the spread and mitigate the consequences of the Coronavirus. 

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