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In recent weeks, we have been witnessing a scary development - in the shadow of the dissolution of the government, Itamar Ben-Gvir is getting stronger, and according to a recent poll, if he runs as the head of “Otzma Yehudit”, he is expected to receive no less than 6 seats and form a coalition with Netanyahu. Such a coalition would deepen the occupation, the social gaps, the housing crisis and the cost of living, the call for transfer, the division and the incitement. Such a coalition would make our home - Palestinians and Jews in Israel - poorer and more conflicted than ever.

But we do not have to accept this reality, when we organize for change, and we invite you to become part of it. The change we seek requires a lot of effort and work on the ground, with the people. More and more rounds of elections will not change the reality, which is rotten from the root. What will succeed in changing reality? Organizing people and building power for change. On the ground, in the periphery and in the center - organizing people from different communities and building a new majority in Israeli society.

You, and all of us, can be part of this change. You can support the largest Jewish-Arab space movement that is building a different king of future, one that is difficult to imagine right now, but that we are building a home for. A future in which the majority of the public suffering from the current situation will unite, in a Jewish-Arab partnership.

Standing Together currently organizes tens of thousands of people across the country. In events, conferences, and demonstrations, on the streets, on-campus, and online.

Here are some of the things we’ve done this year only:

1. We initiated a campaign to raise the minimum wage to NIS 40 per hour. Our bill passed in a preliminary vote and we continue to fight!

2. We lead Jewish-Arab lists for the student union elections at Tel Aviv University, Haifa, Hebrew and Ben-Gurion.

3. We were partners in the important achievements of stopping evictions in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in East Jerusalem, and we continue to work in the Southern Hebron Hills against the evacuation of Palestinian.

4. We promote the vision of Green New Deal to fight against the climate crisis and the damage to the people who live here.

5. We stood together in the difficult moments of racism and incitement, and showed that there is another way - of peace and true Jewish-Arab partnership.

These are all campaigns and struggles that unite the majority of the public and show that there is another way of Jewish-Arab partnership. Become partners today so we can continue to fight for our values ​​and the things that are important to us all. Because where there is a struggle - there is hope.