Tzidkas Eretz Hakodesh
Tzidkas Eretz Hakodesh
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"The whole world is worthwhile just for his sake. He is called a beloved friend. He loves Hashem, he loves his fellow beings, he brings joy to Hashem, and he brings joy to his fellow beings.” With this quote from the Mishna in Avos, the close friend of Reb Yehoshua Waldman who died of a sudden heart attack yesterday, described him. Only forty seven years old, he left behind his esteemed wife and their nine children, most of whom have not yet reached adulthood, with the youngest one still only a 3.5 year old toddler.

Reb Yehoshua was dearly beloved by all, pleasant in manner, who would raise his voice only when he was serving as Ba’al Tefillah,  as he did regularly and during the Yamim Noraim whan he was asked to do so by the Kehilla.

Throughout his life, Reb Yehoshua suffered. He was orphaned at the age of 12 and since then always had to make ends meet with great difficulty.

Even after his marriage, when he was privileged to establish a Bayis Ne’eman, he and his wife preferred that she invest all her energy in raising and educating the children in the way of Torah and Hasidus, with him faithfully providing as a lone breadwinner.

Unfortunately, the cost of raising the children and marrying the four eldest were beyond his abilities, and now it turns out that he left behind debts of over a million shekels.

Now that his loving and beloved heart stopped beating, a heart that belonged to one who never complained about his condition and bore his burden in silence, we must take up the yoke in his stead.

Chamol! Show compassion! Do not allow the widow and the nine orphans to suffer another blow!

Would we exchange the sound of his pleasant and beloved voice that would be raised in davening during these holy holidays with yet another terrible sorrow, on top of the abrupt loss of the head of the family? We cannot allow them to continue to shoulder the debts on their own.

No! We will have mercy on them and do the Chessed that will cancel the bitter decree! We will gather today, all his acquaintances, loved ones, and friends, to raise the full amount required in order to bring the grieving family into the holidays and the new year, with calm and financial security.

When we cry out in prayer during the Yamim Noraim, "Have mercy on us and on our children," we will know that we too have mercy and merit mercy in return.

Show compassion! Donate now and save Reb Yehoshua's orphans from financial collapse.